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Doorstep Diesel Delivery

Fuel management is crucial to ensure work keeps flowing smoothly for your business, thereby avoiding delays and losses. Plan your fuel requirements optimally, place an order with us!

India faces a major challenge in achieving reliable access to uninterrupted power supply. This necessitates over 20 million residential and commercial buildings to rely on backup generators. Users resort to carrying jerry cans or barrels to obtain diesel from petrol pumps and then transfer it to generator installation sites in unsafe ways. Many opt to stockpile and store diesel for future use to avoid the hassle of frequent purchases and the risks associated with fuel transportation.


Swarna Groups offers diesel delivery services for your generators, ensuring a reliable supply whenever and wherever you need it. Whether it’s for an apartment complex, business tech park, construction site, mall, five-star hotel, mobile tower, or hospital, we’ve got you covered

Swarna Groups enables customers to schedule fuel deliveries and offers direct refueling into generators, reducing the necessity for customers to store fuel in cans or drums for future use.

With direct refueling of generators via nozzles, customers can avoid fuel spills at their site. We offer a zero-spill guarantee.

With swarna groups on-site refueling, customers can eliminate any fuel theft that happens during the fuel purchase and transport of fuel from fuel stations to the generator’s site.

Our customers save a huge amount of time wasted earlier on manual reconciliation of refueling for each vehicle. With our real-time dashboard, our customers can analyze the consumption behavior of every vehicle using their mobile device or desktop. Imagine if you were a company operating thousands of fleet vehicles across India!

Swarna Groups understands that different businesses have unique fueling requirements. Our services are flexible and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your operations. Whether you need regular scheduled deliveries or on-demand refuelling,  Swarna groups has the flexibility to accommodate your preferences.

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Industries We Serve


Our fuel door delivery ensures hospitals have a reliable source of diesel for backup generators and essential equipment, supporting uninterrupted patient care


For hotels, our fuel door delivery service ensures a continuous and convenient supply of diesel for backup generators and other essential equipment

Earth Moving Equipment's & Gensets

We specialize in providing fuel door delivery services for earth-moving equipment and gensets, guaranteeing a consistent supply of diesel


Our efficient fuel door delivery services cater to industries, providing a dependable source of diesel to fuel their operations seamlessly


We provide convenient fuel door delivery services to schools, guaranteeing a dependable diesel source for their school buses.

Construction Sites

We offer reliable fuel door delivery services tailored for construction sites, ensuring a steady supply of diesel to power heavy machinery and equipment